I got a new watch! Well, practically my mum forked out her money to pay for the watch and I just owned a new watch! Pretty cool, huh? It's Casio watch. It looks so classy and elegant. The original price is RM299 and got some discount on. So I think it's worth it. ^.^
I just watched Breaking Dawn Part 1. I know right? Most of you might think, meh...the movie was out long ago. Yes, the movie was out long long ago but I just got a chance to watch it today. I've been dying to watch the movie since Eclipse. It has been a long wait.
After Part 1, I'm definitely going for Part 2 of course. I'm proud to say that I've been watching all of the series since Twilight. Wow, such a great fan. hehe.. Usually I'm Team Jacob. But after Breaking Dawn Part 1, I'm beginning to like Edward as well. Seeing his love for Bella and unwillingness to lose her have definitely opened my eyes for him. ^_^ No matter which Team I'm on, I'll always remember Twilight series.