25 September 2012

Before September Ends

Hey guys! I hope you all are doing fine ^_^ If you noticed (of course you noticed, what a weird question? o_O), September is going to end in just a few days. And I'm actually in the middle of my mock exam now. Will be having two last papers tomorrow. While being worried about how I do this exam, I'm actually pretty excited realizing tomorrow is the last day of the dreadful exam. That's why I'm facing my monitor and keyboard typing this. Not even studying :P haha

Okay okay, I'll study later. Now let me finish this post first. I'm sure many of you miss me. hehe Before that, I would like to thank my dear friends for wishing me plenty of good lucks for my exams. You guys made my day :) Love all of you~! Muackss!! Good luck in our real exam too ^_^

Few days ago, I saw the trailer of a movie, "House At The End Of The Street". I straight away knew that I had to watch it no matter what happen. The movie's genre is horror. Not the type that I would watch. But when I see the trailer, I just so obsessed with it. I still don't know when it is going to show here in Malaysia. But as soon as it got out, poof I'll went to watch it~! :)

And yeah, I started my diet again. Have been getting too much weight recently. Blame the food and college. You know I had to sit down to study after every meals I take. The internet made me fat too! It's making my butt growing rounder. LOL. I survive these days without exercising! Whoah!! You can imagine how round and plump I am now. o_O I'd warned you! Anyone who is going to meet up with me should be mentally prepared. haha

I think that's all for this post. Will be writing another interesting (hopefully) post soon :) And I'm thinking of changing my blog's layout too. Till then, take care.