24 July 2011

Watching harry potter

I had a great time with my friends today. Shereen, honyew and kokzhen, you guys are awesome. haha.. So, today the four of us went to watch Harry Potter. We agreed to meet at 2. But, as usual shereen and I always went earlier so that we can spend more time together. =) We ate lunch together. Okay, for me it was brunch (breakfast+lunch) ^^ Again, we ate at vivo. We anticipated the dessert the most. I just can say the dessert are really delicious. No doubt I will visit the restaurant for the dessert again. Anyway, the pasta and the bread are also very tasty. Today the both of us ate until very full. haha..

After we ate, we went for a walk around the shopping centre. We almost circled the entire jusco before deciding to go to Harris to look for some books. Not long after that, kokzhen arrived. The three of us went inside harris and walked around. About 10 minutes later, honyew arrived and I was the first one to spot him. He was walking towards I don't know where and I can see his head there. So the three of us followed him and finally we met. Then we talked for a while and finally went upstairs to buy popcorn and coca-cola for the movie.

I was like, yay, I'm going to watch the movie now. haha.. So the four of us sat together and innocently I ended up sitting beside honyew. It was all shereen's doing!! Never mind about that. It just that sometimes the movie got some kissing scenes. I was so awkward and I ended up looking at shereen. That honyew was so insensitive, he look at me and saying that shereen enjoy the scenes and stuff. He made me laugh all the way. haha.. He was so funny. and the worst thing was I need to suffer in behalf of him. Just because he kept on joking about shereen and I laughed because I find it funny, I was hit by shereen!! Hey, it was natural that I laugh okay.

Halfway the movie, there were some sobbing here and there. And the loudest was from kokzhen. I thought he cried or something. But he said he had a flu. haha.. I guess the one crying was not him but other people. Okay, I admit I cried too. Are you happy now, shereen? You always check on me whether I got cried or not when watching a movie. I don't know why also. =p  After the movie ended, the four of us like cannot believe that Harry Potter has finally ended. No more movie about Harry Potter again. I'm feeling a little sad actually. T.T Meanwhile, we just walking around, talking about anything and did some sightseeing guided by kokzhen, our "tourguide" for the day. haha.. Overall, we enjoyed ourselves today and I hope it won't be long before a day like this comes again. haha.. Till then, bye bye.

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