Hey guys! It's officially the brand new year now. I, hereby, wish all of you a very wonderful Happy New Year!! I am so excited for the new year and I'm all ready to build beautiful memories for my loved ones and of course for myself too. ^_^
With the arrival of 2012, there would be many among us who would have started to make new year resolutions for themselves. New Year is always something which gives you hope and freshness. You tend to have new energies. It is a fact that each individual differs from the other and so are the new year resolutions. I will start with my new year resolutions then.
Mum always joke that nobody will want me because of my messy habits. I make messes wherever I go. For example; after I sleep, I don't fold my own blanket. When it comes to house chores, I am so lazy. I shall try to be more domestic by being a tidier person.
Whenever I do chores such as cleaning or doing the dishes, I'm always like "Sssh rubber gloves, they only slow me down", but these days my hands seem to feel drier than usual. I think it is thanks to the weather and my bad habits. I will apply lotion on my hands daily.
Like most of the girls in this world, I LOVE chocolates. Every time I eat chocolates, I feel so happy like I own the world. But chocolate is bad for my body, especially when it makes me fat. I envy those people who doesn't even gain a pound after all the chocolates that they had. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them lol. Chocolates also generates pimples. So for my own good sake, I definitely must realise this resolution.
Getting rid of excessive weight might be a new year resolution for many of us, but it is a very important one. Who doesn't want to appear healthy and looks good? For this, we need to burn off our extra fats. I will exercise more and uses the home sauna regularly.
I sleep at crazy o'clock hours and wake up at stupid o'clock hours. I sometimes wake up in the afternoon and half of my day is already gone. I would then try to make up for it by staying up till late. I will learn to manage my time better so I get enough sleep.
Most of people think that childhood is the period of life when one can be really happy. I beg to differ. What actually happens is that as we grow up, we tend to take up many responsibilities and forget to be happy. Responsibilities are there to be taken care of, but one should always have time for himself and cherish the moments of life. For me, thinking optimistically is also important towards being a happy person. Positive is always good. With these, I think I will be getting nearer to be a happier person.
Well, I don't think I'm addicted to alcohol but if you count Shandy as an alcoholic beverage, then it's a different matter. I like to drink Shandy. Shandy just tastes so good. ^.^ Okay, I will cut down Shandy and fizzy drinks as well.
Like many youngsters, I enjoy eating junk food and fast food. I'm always tempted by potato chips, fries, ramen, burgers, pizza, etc. I know right? I must reduce these kind of unhealthy food. I hope I will be stronger and not easily tempted the next time I saw them lol.
I don't know why, but I'm always uninterested with the world's ongoing issues. I don't like reading newspaper or watching the news. The only thing that I'm always curious about is everything regarding South Korean idols or stars. In other words, if you ask me to say out who is who in a popular idol group, I'll be able to do it. I guess I need to be more realistic now. I'll start from reading the newspaper today.