08 May 2014

The struggle of DIET!!

Hello folks!

Today I will be talking about what seems to be my eternity struggle; DIET. Uppercase letters in DIET to show how much I hate it, yet I can't seem to get away from it. WIthout any effort in dieting, I will continue to pig out and eventually become a real pig.

I am one of those girls that gain a lot of weight during puberty. When I was around 18, I reached my peak weight; 58kg. I was constantly hungry and wanted to taste FOOD in my mouth. Real food. Not just a mere salad veggies, but heavy carbs. I continue to binge on food, thinking that if I don't eat, my brain can't focus on my study. Besides, my loose school uniform did a good job concealing my belly fat. But really, just another excuse to keep eating.

However, I am pretty sure my weighing scale was faulty. I will be 55kg one day and 60 kg on the other day. Such a crazy fluctuations, hence I just assume my peak weight was 58kg. Even that was way overweight for a girl with mere 160cm.

I still remember clearly why I wanted to shed those extra weight. I was afraid of being called fat. I watched my TV only to see those actresses strut beautifully in red carpet; showing their skin confidently in their designer's dresses. There was zero possibility of me at that time to wear sleeveless shirt. I was uncomfortable in my own body. I felt humiliated.

(If can't, just cut significantly less on those for a start.)

Then I started to diet. I ate lesser food. I avoid devouring chocolates and fast food. I think I only gotten Mcdonald's and instant noodles twice during the year. I didn't even try to eat chocolates. I did well, really. Other than that, I also sauna religiously. And that definitely helped me to lose some of those unwanted weight. Thank God!

And thank to tofu as well. I cannot stress enough how much good tofu have done to me. My diet always consists of bean curd. Eat it however; fried, steamed, boiled, etc. Still awesome in every way. It is low in calories and taste so good. Tofu = my ultimate life safer.

How am I now? I still diet to this day. Occasionally, I will feast on food when I am outside, travelling or when Mom cooks my favourite dishes. I won't say I have the perfect body now, but I am quite happy with how I am now. I am more confident and glad that I have made the choice to diet at one point of my life.

Mid 2011
(Lil bro looking so cute but I was wrapped in a bundle of fat)

Late 2012

Mid 2013

Late 2013

Early 2014

Losing weight cannot be achieved in one day. It took me more than 2 years to get to how I look now. The last time that I weighed myself was 48kg, though I must have gained a kilo or two from pigging out during my travel to Medan and Bali during the past few months. Anyway, that is alright. I will just continue to control my diet and exercise regularly then. Believe me, when the weight you desire is achieved, the satisfaction that follows is just amazing. It is all worth it.

Dieting is never easy, especially when there are temptations everywhere. In my case, DONUTS! I am very weak when it comes to donuts LOL. Very often, I will avoid looking at the donuts on the bakery display rack. But let's face it; there are times when I am defeated by my donuts craving anyway haha.. Every time it happens, I feel very guilty but donuts still hold a special place in my heart 

Through my own experience, I believe the key to diet is determination. Set a goal and be committed to achieve it. At the end, isn't all that little struggle are for our own good? I think most of you will agree with me. ;) Good luck in diet!


  1. Wow! Didn't realize it u really slim down a lot! Keep it up but then now looks alright, too slim also not nice ya ~ I'm trying to gain some weight recently, many ppl say I'm too slim? Erm…am i ??

  2. yeah...u are too slim. Definitely need to eat more!
