17 March 2011

Being able to live is a blessing

Today is still school holiday and since it's holiday, I switched myself into holiday mode also. I'd pushed aside all my schoolwork and homework. I know this is so wrong of me to do so, but I can't control myself. It just so hard to even read one page of the lesson. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. I'd still done some of the assignment though. haha.. But still, I find myself really lazy nowadays. Can anyone just tell me what to do to kick off this bad habit? >.< Anyway, that's all about me.

Let me update on the catastrophe that struck Japan few days ago. I saw in the news yesterday that the nuclear reactor in Japan exploded again. As the people there were highly exposed to the nuclear radiation, many of them opt for the radiation test. That means they are scanned with the radiation detector and only if they are proved negative, they are allowed to go to the shelters. Since I can't do anything to help them, I think I might just as well pray for them. that's all I can do. Guys, let us pray for Japan again. Meanwhile, I find that life is unpredictable. That's why all the more we should treasure every moment that we have. remember, no matter we are in happiness or sadness, being able to live is already a blessing.

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