13 March 2011

Pray for Japan

Mother Earth is our sole habitat in the entire universe and provides us with the bounty of her natural resources which we would not have existed at all without them. We drink from her numerous springs and rivers, we breath the air that caresses her being. We eat food which she provides us from her flora and fauna.  We have dug mines into her to satisfy our mineral requirements. In short, we have exploited every opportunity that she provided us for our betterment. She has been the most enduring and loving parent, whereas we have acted like erring children eversince the dawn of history. But, have we gone too far? Now, Mother Earth has really decided to show us her anger and frustration. She is reminding us to be aware of her fury by showing us some signs such as, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, droughts and earthquakes. These natural occurrence have increased not only in frequency but also in intensity. 

Latest, there was a tremendous 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan two days ago. The earthquake then triggered a tsunami causing huge damages such as blackout and fire. Many houses, buildings, vehicles, trees and people were swept away just like that. many people were injured and even died because of this catastrophe. It seems that Mother Earth is really angry. Now, the Japanese have to suffer this harrowing ordeal. people, let us pray for Japan, hoping that they will get over this soon.

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